Les Agamemnonz


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Kythibong / Green Cookie - 2015
KTB45 / GC051
Digisleeve CD 18 tracks
01. Schnell Wie Eine Rakete
02. Tre Grazie
03. Vulcanizer
04. El Tremblador
05. Introduction
06. Yuruyuzu
07. A Palavas Les Flots
08. Brûlure Indienne
09. Au Revoir
10. Grands Rapides
11. Feliway
12. Marathon
13. Simon's Beat
14. Vinyl Roof
15. Apollo
16. Salma VI
17. Tristes Tropiques
18. Compressor
Benjamin Bonaventure, Simon Ripoll-Hurier, Lucas Morin, André Pasquet
Vocals on 2 and 5 by The Point Break Sisters : Amélie Grosselin, Faustine Seilman and Tamara Seilman
Engineer : Le Suédois
Recording and Mix : Yann Jaffiol
Mastering : François Casays
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Au Revoir

Kythibong / Green Cookie - 2015
KTB44 / GC050
LP + MP3 9 tracks
01. Schnell Wie Eine Rakete
02. Tre Grazie
03. Vulcanizer
04. El Tremblador
05. Introduction
06. Yuruyuzu
07. A Palavas Les Flots
08. Brûlure Indienne
09. Au Revoir
Benjamin Bonaventure, Simon Ripoll-Hurier, Lucas Morin, André Pasquet
Vocals on 2 and 5 by The Point Break Sisters : Amélie Grosselin, Faustine Seilman and Tamara Seilman
Engineer : Le Suédois
Recording and Mix : Yann Jaffiol
Mastering : François Casays