La Colonie De Vacances


La Colonie De Vacances
Kythibong/Murailles Music/Super Loto Editions - 2017
100 pages Book + Concentric Grooves 10"
4 tracks
01. A1 (Groupe ‡)
02. A2 (Groupe π)
03. B1 (Groupe †)
04. B2 (Groupe ◊)
100 pages book, 27X26 cm
offset (inside) and screen (cover) printing.
comes with a concentric grooves record, a mp3 download card and a letterpressed insert.
Drawings : Double Bob, Quentin Faucompré, Marion Jdanoff, Geoffroy Pithon
Music : La Colonie de Vacances
Printing : Hors Cadre Impressions in Villefranche de Rouergue and Arts & Caractères in Lavaur
Graphic design and layout : Thomas Pontois
Recording and mix : Vincent Robert
Mastering and cut : Simon Davey / The Exchange Vinyl
Original idea : Camille Escoubet
Overall coordination : Timo Hateau